Plot plans are also used to assure proper operator and maintenance access while maintaining engineering economy. This plot plan is maintained by the client for future expansion work requirements or other business needs. Final or “As Built” Plot Plan – a plot plan normally provided by the responsible engineering company that reflects the completed project as constructed.It is the single document containing all equipment, structure and road locations. Construction Plot Plan – releases the constructor to begin activities related to equipment location, such as roads, pile driving, underground piping, foundations, etc.This plot plan is the basis for beginning detailed design work
along with anticipated pipe rack configurations, structure shape and rough sizes. Located within the boundaries of the available property, rough equipment sizes and shapes are pictorially positioned. This early stage plot plan usually is very limited in detail, containing only enough dimensional data to define the outer limits of the available property selected for plant development.
Plot plans are considered key documents to projects and are normally initiated in the pre-contract, conceptual and development stages of a proposal.Īfter the contract is awarded for engineering, plot plans are developed at a rather rapid pace with very limited information. This blog post gives you a basic introduction to plot plan. A plot plan is an engineering diagram which shows schematically the equipment layout, the position of roads, buildings and other constructions inside an industrial plant with their dimensions and distances in between.